Assisted LivingHousing - Handicapped/ElderlySenior Services
Claremont House Retirement Community is located in the Piedmont/Rockridge area. Residents in both independent and assited living enjoy a full range of services for a monthly rental fee.
Allison Rodman, has the honor to serve community and seniors as Sales and Marketing Director for The Point at Rockridge, a 5 star rated assisted living/memory care community. Allison lives in the Millsmont area of Oakland with her life partner Amy Mueller of 35 years and their two children. She is President of the East Bay Women’s Network, an engaged parent at Berkeley High School, a member of Kehilla Community Synogogue and when not helping seniors spends time in her garden. Post college, the foodie world drew Rodman into a professional culinary career, culminating in ownership of Creative Catering, ranked in the top ten SF catering companies.The Point at Rockridge
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