Leadership Oakland Class of 2024/2025 Application

Please note application progress cannot be saved
Registration Dates and Cost
Early Bird Tuition
May 13 - July 31 = $1,395
Regular Tuition
August 1 - September 1 = $1,595
Late Tuition
September 2 - September 13 (final date) = $1,795
A $100 tuition deposit is due with your application
Applicants will be notified of their admission status on September 13th (late applicants notified on September 19th) after all applications have been reviewed. Applicants have until 5pm on Monday, September 30th to confirm their place in the program or it may be given to a waitlisted applicant and tuition deposit will be forfeited. The complete tuition minus the $100 tuition deposit must be paid in full by Thursday, October 3rd. If the complete tuition is not received by the day of orientation, the applicant will not be allowed to participate.
Confidential Application
Home Address
Do you expect to be in Oakland in the next five years?
The program accepts nominations by businesses or community organizations in which the applicant holds a leadership role, or if self-employed, by self-sponsorship. Sponsorship does not necessarily imply financial responsibility by the organization on behalf of the participant, but does influence selection by the category in which the applicant is placed. The nominating organization MUST be a member of the Oakland Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce which is in good standing. If an applicant's organization is a member of the Chamber, they may self-nominate.
Nominated By
Please upload a resume or CV that includes a description of your current position, education history, past employment information, and community involvement with boards, commissions, nonprofits etc. A demonstrated commitment to community involvement is a key selection consideration.
Is your organization a member of the Chamber?
Please attach a single document containing the following data:
List at least three professional and two personal references of people who have knowledge of your qualifications as a Leadership Oakland participant. NOTE: The selection committee may contact all individuals. Please provide name and current telephone number.
Please provide a brief (250 word) biography. If accepted into the program, this bio may be used in materials announcing the Class of 22/23.
Any additional items you would like us to use in consideration of your application. These may include, but are not limited to a brief statement of intent, letters of recommendation, or cover letters. If sending more than one item, please combine into a single document.
The tuition for Leadership Oakland is payable by the participant or employer. A $100 tuition deposit is due with your application. Applicants will be notified of their admission status on September 13th (late applicants notified on September 19th) after all applications have been reviewed. Applicants have until 5pm on Monday, September 30th to confirm their place in the program or it may be given to a waitlisted applicant and tuition deposit will be forfeited. The complete tuition minus the $100 tuition deposit must be paid in full by Thursday, October 3rd. If the complete tuition is not received by the day of orientation on Thursday, October 6th, the applicant will not be able to participate in orientation. The tuition deposit is nonrefundable. Acceptable forms of payment: cash, check or credit card.
In order for Leadership Oakland to accomplish its stated goals, the full participation of each individual is mandatory. The regular program sessions meet all day on the second Friday of each month unless otherwise notified. Graduation will take place upon completion of the program. In addition, you will be required to attend the Chamber’s Annual Luncheon (cost for this event is included in your tuition). If you are unable to make the time commitment, it is not in your best interest to apply at this time. The following will result in termination from the program with no tuition refund - no exceptions: (1) Failure to attend the leadership training/retreat; (2) More than one absence during the program; and/or partial attendance (late arrival/early departure) at any session in excess of two occurrences.
Checks made payable to the Oakland Chamber of Commerce should be mailed to: Oakland Chamber of Commerce at 300 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, Ste. 155, Oakland, CA 94612. Your application will not be deemed complete until your $100 tuition deposit is received.
If you would like to pay by credit card, please wait for login instructions and an invoice to be sent shortly.
In submitting this application, I hereby declare: (1) That I have read and understand the statements and policies of Leadership Oakland above and on the program web page (2) That to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information I have given is true and accurate. (3)That I will undertake to complete the program in its entirety. (4) I have the support and commitment of my employer and/or sponsoring organization to apply for and complete Leadership Oakland. (5) I have reviewed the program commitments and requirements above and on the program web page and believe I can meet them.