The Oakland Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce is proud to announce its 2014 Economic Development event for the year. An educational half-day conference in Oakland on energy, innovation and green technology.
Wednesday Apr 16, 2014
7:00am - 12:00pm Oakland Marriott Convention Center Individual Tickets $75
Eleanor Hollander, Economic Development DirectorEconomic Development Summit "illuminating ideas: ENERGY & Sustainability Summit"
The event is set for April 16, 2014 and will take place at the Oakland Convention Center’s Grand Ballroom.
It will include a keynote address by the immediate past Chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Jon Wellinghoff and two consecutive panel discussion sessions on Green Infrastructure and Smart, Resilient Cities and Innovative Energy Technology and the Public Private Partnership. This event will also feature an exclusive insider Real Estate Update and Forecast Session with Garrick Brown.
Presenting Sponsors:
Session Sponsors:
Inner Circle Sponsors:
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Date and Time
7:00 AM - 12:00 PM PDT
Half-day Forum Location
1001 Broadway, Oakland, California 94607Fees/Admission
sponsorship opportunities available:
Contact Ivette Torres
510-874-4800 x319 or
itorres@oaklandchamber.comContact Information
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